Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Professor in Communications, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Student in Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


With a comparative discourse analysis of three important museums, this article tries to show the relationship between the institution of power and the institution of museum in Iran. The research question is whether or not Iranian museums on different historical topics and periods receive equal attention from the power institution, today. The method of discourse analysis is based on Foucault’s concept of power as well as a description of Gillian Rose on this theory. This research is about power apparatuses and institutional technologies in three important museums i.e., The Museum of Ancient Iran, The Islamic Museum, and The National Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Holy Defense Museum. For that matter, a second type of the discourse analysis has been used that focuses more on institutions, their related procedures, and how content is produced. Findings from field surveys of museums indicate significant differences in the apparatus and institutional technologies being used there. The results show that The National Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Holy Defense Museum articulates the discourse of its trustees such as anti-arrogance, resistance, and progress in comparison with others that are equipped with the most diverse, advanced, and attractive designs, space, displaying technologies, and facilities. The Islamic Museum, by the way has its own importance for authorities because of its post-Islamic Iran cultural manifestations compared to The Museum of Ancient Iran.


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