
1 Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, Allame Tabatabe`i University

2 Research in the field of Sociology


Iranian youth’s leisure culture has been immediately affected by the digital media culture. As a communicative media, cell phone has crossed borders of youth norms and identity; and in addition to facilitating their communication, has changed its patterns. Applying Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and field, and relied on the qualitative and quantitative data gathered from the mobile youth users, the present study argues that mobile has produced a new field in which youth’s opportunities for leisure, entertainment, communication, and independence have extended. In addition, cell phone has facilitated and compensated for some defects in public sphere, and therefore empowered youth agency, individuality, and power. Despite this strengthening, cell phone does not cross borders of gender and class differences, or the levels of social capital.


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Gergen, K. J. (2002). “The Challenge of Absent Presence”,. in J. Katz & M. Aakhus (eds.), Perpetual Contact, Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge: Cambirdge University Press.. Geser, H. (2004). “Towards a Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone”,.
Haddon, L. (2000). The Social Consequences of Mobile Telephony, Oslo: Framing.. Kasesniemi, E. & Rautiainen, P. (2002). “Mobile Culture of Children and Teenages in Finland”,. in J. Katz & M. Aakhus (eds.), Perpetual Contact, Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Durham: Duke University Press.. Katz, J. E. (1999). Connections, Social and Cultural Studies of the Telephone in American Life, London: Transaction Publishers.. Lasen, A. (2002a). The Social Shaping of Fixed and Mobile Networks: A Historical Comparison, University of Surrey: DWRC.. _____ (2002b). A Comparative Study of Mobile Phone Use in London, Madrid and Paris, University of Surrey: DWRC.. Licoppe, Ch. & Heurtin, S. (2002). “Jean-Philippe France: Preserving the Image”,. in J. Katz & M. Aakhus (eds.), Perpetual Contact, Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. Palen, L. & Salzman, M. & Youngs, (eds.) (2001). “Going Wireless: Behavior & Practice of New Mobile Phone Users”,.
Puro, J. (2002). “Finland: a Mobile Culture”. in Katz, James E. & Aakhus, Mark A. (eds.) Perpetual Contact. Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. Roos, J. P. (1993). “Sociology of Cellular Telephone: The Nordic Model”,. Telecommunications Policy,. 17 (6), 456-444
Williams, R. (1983). “Problems of the Coming Period”,. New Left Review. , 18-7