
Assistant Professor of Socology, University of Tehran


Besides family and education system, media also affects on the socializing process. What media represent is mutually affected and affective with culture. However, there are some times when media’s effect on society is especially important. For example, people with restricted social interactions would spend more time watching TV; thus what they watch not only entertains, but also has educational effects on them, this is the same for journals with habitual readers.
Reviewing Hamshahri’s events page, this study attempts to study social construction of gender prototypes. Applying gender role theory and theory of gender sociability, this study would offer a hybrid model. As results show, men are more inclined to commit a crime, and women are usually the object of crimes. The most sensible prototype is that men are represented as “aggressive and raper”, while women are the victims. Described prototypes are both descriptive and normative.


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