
1 Faculty Member of Gilan University

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, University of Gilan


The present study attempts to evaluate values and norms among students in the dormitories of University of Gilan in 1385-86. 11 structure –including 10 independent variable and 1 (Anomy) for the dependant variable- has been created in order to recognize cited values and norms. The study is descriptive-analytical, using questionnaire and standard interview. Population includes all the students in dormitories of Gilan University (2917 person). In sampling 304 students were chosen. The questionnaire was self-created and its validity was verified through testing by experts. Reliability of achieved through Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient in pilot-study and avoiding some questions in every 11 structures to gain more than 70% in Alpha coefficient.
Results show the average anomy in girl dormitory is 3.64. T-Test too shows a meaningful difference in Anomy between two dormitories. Even in boy’s dormitory which has a lesser anomy (2.76), it is near to 3. However, results show that social control mechanism (Punishment) in both dormitories is inefficient. In conclusion it could be said that there is a kind of social imbalance in both dormitories which should be considered in planning to encounter future possible social crises.


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