
Associate Professor of National Research Institute for Science Policy


Most of the current policy-making literature in scholar and executive institutions in industrial and technological fields explains Iran’s failure in industrialization process as the result of economic, organizational, and managerial factors. However, this approach itself is among the factors which hinder the technology-localization process. Explaining this problem, the present study attempts to explore some conceptual and theoretical issues to understand technology in a broad view –especially in cultural approach. In the theoretical part, the contradiction among technology-oriented and heritage-oriented cultures, innovative production and consumption of technology, cultural rooting and institutional independence of technology, and continuity of cultural heritage in the technological world are discussed; while in another part of the study the influence of two cultures contradiction –among them conflict between heritage and technological canons of culture, epistemological challenges among modern intellectuals, and the consumption edge of Iranian innovative culture of technology- on the pattern of technology’s production and consumption in Iran would be explored. In conclusion, as a result of cultural analysis of technology, some general strategies would be explored and further studies in different aspects is suggested in order to achieve an advanced meta-analysis and offering policies to promote national conduct in cultural policy-making and technological development.


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