
Associate Professor of Communications and the Faculty Member of American Studies Department, University of Tehran


The globalization or the new ideological globalizings resulted from Global Communication Industry; both have accelerated the trans-nationalization of cultures and civilizations. In another word, globalization simultaneously has created two voluntary and involuntary global dialogues in the world. Before the emergence of global communication industry or as the Frankfort School has called “global communication industry”, members of the world civilizations had no access to the simultaneous and shared cultural spheres. Although the civilizational spheres were far apart but at the same time they could impact each other in a very long historical process. Entering to the communications era or the single space of communications, an new and inevitable season of civilization`s confrontations emerged which need serious overview in dialogue among civilization. Necessarily the analyses derived from modernity are not sufficiently applicable to these days’ dialogues. With the rise of transportations industry and emergence of virtual space, the world in both virtual and real sphere is minimizing and in this minimized virtual and real world the inter- civilizational and inter- cultural dialogue both need new definitions. This article aims to offer the generalized definition of “Dialogue”, which is based on hermeneutics and later the relation of “Text” in inter-civilizational dialogue and the economic, political and cultural context will be discussed afterwards. We will reach to influence of globalization on dialogue process by analysis of Text and Context`s relations. Having this perspective, four grand historical approaches could be existed; These four approaches based on mathematical look to the beginning and continuation of civilizations, are: Euro-centrism, Americo- centrism, Poly- centrism to civilization. As a conclusion, a new approach derived from global sphere`s to civilization, universalism to civilizations will be discussed.


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