
1 M. A in Educational Planning

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Birjand University


Identity is one the most significant discussions in contemporary world. In every society, a need, sense of dependency and tendency to national identity is inevitable. As educational system in all countries has the biggest power and humanistic capital, it is one the best tools for reinforcement and consistency of national identity and the curriculums have crucial role in national identity formation. As mentioned, the main aim of this article is to study the role of national identity in the educational system. To do so, first national identity will be discussed comparatively in Iran and other countries and later the reasons of its weakness in the educational system will be elaborated. The general goals of three educational stages (elementary, secondary and high School) and the amount of attention to national identity will be subtlety discussed. The results show that national identity in Iranian educational system has no desirable situation and as this factor has effective role, it needs to take into more considerations for developmental issues.


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