
1 Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Zabol

2 M. A Student of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Zabol


Culture is the most important issue affecting the development of human societies. The term of cultural development is common in recent years and can give an end to the conflict between tradition and modernity, between places and habitat. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the development process in rural areas after culture. Central County of Rostam Township can be remarkable in terms of great capabilities, especially in agriculture and patient talent strategic location and it’s potential. Population statistics in this study included 53 villages of central county of Rostam township. Method used in this study, is descriptive method – analysis. Method of data collection is library – documents and field studies too and for data analysis software SPSS and Arc GIS and in analysis and assumptions to achieve the result of “Morris inharmonious index”. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of villages having a population conditions and cultural facilities. Between planning and social conditions of cultural geography found no significant relationship. Also, there was no significant relationship between social and geographical factors and cultural planning.
