
Associate Professor of Communication, University of Tehran


This paper proposes an examination of the epistemological position of intercultural communication as it is experiencing a lack of orthodoxy tradition. It is claimed here that a lack of such tradition, in turn, has reflected itself on problems such as a) ill-determined subject matter of intercultural communication, b) ill-conceived theoretical stance of intercultural communication, and; c) undecided methodological considerations. We contend here that in order to demarcate the subject areas of intercultural communication, and in order to deal with the above-mentioned concerns, this scientific field should at least be able to resolve the question of what is the nature of problematic in intercultural communication. The paper goes on to claim that once the problematic of intercultural communication is determined the problem-solving processes would force the field to determine its paradigms and methodological considerations.
To follow this line of logic, the paper uses a combined methodology and will indicate that it is a principle in intercultural communication that in order to solve problems one needs to rely on epistemological stance of the one’s researcher more than he/she will rely on traditional model of academic articulations. Therefore, we will focus on the role of language and symbols in formation of problems in intercultural communication, as well as their role in helping to resolve problems.
We will consider three stages in development and evolution of social sciences. In the third stages, which started in the 1980s individuals ’as well as groups’, expectations took precedence over structural and coercive expectations.
Taking these developments into consideration the paper claims that problematic of intercultural communication in the third stage can be understood and identified as a result of the effect of four issues: 1- failures of scientific-paradigmatic of modern science, 2- local experiences of individuals and groups, 3- the interaction between extra-national expectations and new media specially internet.


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