
1 Assosiate professor of Communications, University of Tehran

2 MA Student of North American Studies, University of Tehran


According to the ethno-cultural diversity, many educational and media basis in Iranian society are needed, in order to make good and healthy communication, in addition to the calm and peaceful interpersonal interaction. Cultural intolerance among diverse ethnics might cause to conflict, opposition, and discrimination and thus some negative affects on the majority beside the ethnic and religious minorities. Therefore, education, especially primary education in the age in which ethical and cultural schemas and assertions are shaped, is really important. This kind of intercultural instruction makes individuals aware of cultural differences and internalizes culture of tolerance. The educational system, which is based on justice and mutual respect, causes also to cultural dynamism and flexibility. Indeed, in this study, we attempt to reflect on the Constitution, as the basis of respect to minority (religious and ethnic); besides two cultural institutions, education and media, as the director in intercultural communication. Considered factors are the good citizenship, effective law system, and recognizing citizen rights.


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