
1 Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Science and Culture

2 Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Tehran


The study of the process of representation in media is one of the important research areas in cultural studies. This article explores the different forms of media representation of ethnicity in Iranian T.V series based on constructivist representation approach as developed by Stuart Hall. To this end, two series entitled “ if my dad was alive” , “ Deer of the ninth month” were analyzed in a qualitative manner. The main question is about fairness in representations ethnic groups in TV networks. Also, the authors compare the different forms of the representation of ethnicity and provide an internal critique, bearing in mind the objection, topics, priorities and policies related to production, procurement and broadcasting ratified to regulated T.V programs. According to findings, it could be said that the representation of ethnicity gives an unfair picture of certain groups. This approach created fuzziness in portraying minorities as groups having marginal and even negative roles in the society. Being marginalized, ethnic actors face limitations in expressing themselves. Therefore minorities subjects who speak in the public sphere encounter more serious restrictions.


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