Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 PhD Candidate of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Kashan

2 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Kashan


In today's society, body management in the sense of continual manipulation in the visual aesthetics has been expanded dramatically. Body is a very important issue theoretically and practically and many studies have addressed it. Moreover, there are much debates on body as a social and identity-making element in sociology. Body management is common among the youth, and different behaviors such as body building, food diets and make up have been represented for it.
In this study that aimed to the meta-analysis of the relationship between body management and cultural capitals, 10 studies from 38 research in the body management which has the necessary qualifications, were selected from databases and by using comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA), data were analyzed. In this study, according to results of the heterogeneity, random effects model was appropriate and the measure of the combined effect relationship was 32 percent that is a medium effect size based on the Cohen's criteria. In other words, the cultural capital plays a medium role in the variance explanation of body management.


Main Subjects

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