Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Kashan,

2 Ph.D Candidate of Sociology, University of Kashan


The purpose of this research is the typology of tendency to marry among girls. The research, using qualitative methods, data-driven approach to theorizing (grounded theory) and semi-structured interview technique was interactive. The study population was female students of Shiraz University. Using purposeful and theoretical sampling, with 53 single students were interviewed. The results showed that in the study population, there are seven types of tendencies to marriage, including embedded tendency, hierarchical tendency, intellectual autonomy tendency, emotional autonomy tendency, egalitarian tendency, liquid tendency and anti-marriage tendency. Accordingly, two types of embedded tendency and hierarchical tendency surrounded by pre-modern discourse, and have features such as accepting the authority of patriarchal subordination of women and the acceptance of cultural and religious obligation to marriage. Also, emotional autonomy tendency and egalitarian tendency are influenced by modern discourse, with features such as central relationship, axial love and hedonism. Eventually, intellectual autonomy tendency, liquid tendency and anti-marriage tendency are influenced by postmodern discourse, with features such as individualism, liquid rationality, fragile, freedom and pluralism are non-alignment.


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