Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Guilan

2 M. A. in Sociology, University of Guilan


Following the expansion of internet penetration, social interactions between the sexes have taken new dimensions. The objective of the present study is to investigate network connections of students and their attitudes towards these relationships using Zygmunt Bauman's theory of liquid love. The main research question is that in the online relations and friendships of students, which characteristics and consequences are identifiable? This research was conducted using qualitative method of Focus Group Discussions(FGDs) among female students of Guilan University.The results revealed that two characteristics of network connections, namely, simplicity and anonymity, and also the only positive outcome of these connections, freedom, are the main causes of student’s tendency towards these connections. However, they are aware of negative consequences of network connections, mostly have positive attitudes regarding internet relations and friendships. 


Main Subjects

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