
Associate professor of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadeq University


This article studies the evolution of role phantasm of “men in front of media”. They have been called in a historical order as audience, receiver, user and recently communicatee.
The author argues that the changing perception of “man in front of media” from a passive
Being to an active being is the result of some developments the most important of which is globalization.
The most prominent characteristics of communitee is its independence in “selection based on communicative needs”. Along with the developments in the future decades in the field of ICT, the ability of communicatee for selection will be reinforced and it will become a selector communicatee.
This article argues that because of the delay in developing countries in entering the age of
Gutenberg galaxy and Marconi galaxy, message senders in these countries have an audience –oriented view. As a result, they have not yet become communicatee.
This article concludes that audience phantasm in some developing countries may be harmful for meeting the need of communicatees by local media and make the productions of foreign media more attractive for local communicatees leading to undesirable change in their cultural traits.


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