Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Assistant Professor Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran

2 MA. Student in Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran


Understanding of urban life influenced by the conventional pathological logic has led to the perception of what is known as “Suburbanization” as something outside the city and as islands separate from the center. Kahrizak, as one of the suburban districts of Tehran, has strongly entangled in such an understanding. Focusing on the problem of generating Kahrizak, this study strives to show how Kahrizak has been embodied in the confluence of forces. The present study's question is to engage in a field understanding of the forces that have provided the ground for Kahrizak to appear and emerge. Genealogy and methods of space production influence the present study in the context of social relations. The genealogical research aspect is based on its involvement in understanding the relations of forces, their becoming process, and the story of their confluence. The present study focuses on some key moments as starting points for the spatial formation of Kahrizak: moment 1) Sugar factory; moment 2) Land reform or the continuation of the fragmentation of Kahrizak space; moment 3) Creating the dock; & moment 4) Kahrizak construction in Oral history.


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