
1 Assistant professor of Sociology, University of Tehran

2 M.A. in Social Research, Shahid Beheshti University


Social and cultural identity constitutes one of the most important aspects of identity. This article tries to answer the question that to what extent the youth interest in their social and cultural identity and which factors affect this. To answer this question, the authors studied different identity theories in the fields of psychology, sociology and social psychology. Having designated a theoretical framework, they formulated a casual model for research. This study was conducted by using the field method, surveying techniques and questionnaires. The statistical population of this research consists of the high school students in Shiraz. A four hundred persons sample including boys and girls was studied.
To analyze data, the authors used described and inferential statistics including the technique of multi variable regression analysis, critical path analysis and factor analysis.
The findings showed that the respondents have high interests in social and cultural identity with 92 and 75 percent respectively.


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