Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


NEETs as those who neither study nor have a job or profession, have been the topic in statistical and social discussions of countries in recent years, in which, Iran's contribution to this concept is close to zero. This research is an ethnographic study about the lifestyle of NEETs in Tehran. Among the definitions related to the two concepts of NEETs and lifestyle, Bourdieu's perspective on lifestyle has been chosen as the central theme and concept of this research. This is a qualitative research that has been carried out in two stages of ethnographic study and semi-structured interview where a total of 30 interviews were conducted with targeted exploratory-chain sampling and with maximum diversity until reaching the conceptual saturation. The qualitative data was evaluated through foundational data theory and thematic analysis method. Finally, 5 main categories (identity, timing, biological consumption, virtual consumption and health and beauty) and 13 sub-categories were ascertained, which showed that the lifestyle of NEETs is mostly formed around the issue of identity. In other words, they identify biological and virtual consumptions, beauty and healthcare and even time in virtual space. Their collective activities are with other NEET youth who share a similar lifestyle and care about appearances, from the way they dress to cosmetic surgery. Most of them do not have a vision for the future and only enjoy the moment and do not see the need to participate in future building.


Main Subjects