
Department of Cultural Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University


A recent interest in body issues on the part of academic and scientific circles should be seen as a reaction to the radical changes in relationship between body, economy, technology and society. The growth of nutrition, health and sport technologies along with the increasing importance of agency and consumerism, have turned body and embodiment into major themes in the contemporary society. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data on young boys and girls having regular sport activity, the present paper aims to reveal the relationship and the feelings they have towards their body. The findings indicate that modernity has made the youths more sensitive towards controlling and disciplining their body. Similarly, the competing discourses in public sphere (including the masculine discourse) act as major references in forming, understanding, and representing the body. In addition to reproducing traditional norms and bodily behaviors, such young boys and girls having regular sport activity, the present paper aims to reveal the relationship and the feelings they have towards their body.


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