
1 Associate Professor of Communications, University of Tehran

2 PhD Candidate of Indonesian Studies, University of New South Wales


This article aimed to investigate the intercultural sensitivities between Sunnite Turkmen groups and Shiite groups in Golestan province of Iran through considering the most important factors influenced it. The intercultural development inventory (IDI), which designed according to Milton Bennet's the intercultural sensitivities theory, was utilised to examine the intercultural sensitivities between those Muslim groups. The intercultural sensitivities theory essentially states that the more communication among people leads them to have the less intercultural sensitivities. In other words, the development of communications among people causes to diminish their intercultural sensitivities. In this study, both virtual and actual measurement domains were used in order to measure the communications development of two groups. The development of virtual communications was measured according people's interactivity with different types of media, especially Satellite and Internet, whereas the actual one was measured based on three cities varying according to different religious distribution. Finally this article concluded that the development of virtual and actual communications led to decreasing intercultural sensitivities among people in this area.


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Anderson, H., Lawton, L., Rexeisen, J. & Hubbard, .C.A. “Short-term Study Abroad and Intercultural Sensitivity: A Pilot Study”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 30 (4), 457-469
Fuller, T. (2007). “Study Abroad Experiences and Intercultural Sensitivity among Graduate Theological Students: a Preliminary and Exploratory Investigation”,. Christian Higher Education. 6, 321-322
Greenholtz, J. (2000). “Assessing Cross-cultural Competence in Transnational Education: The Intercultural Development Inventory”,. Higher Education in Europe. 25 (3), 411-416
Hammer, M.R., Bennett, M.J. & Wiseman, R. (2003). “Measuring intercultural sensitivity: The intercultural development inventory”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 27, 421-443
1Kim, M.S. & Hubbard, E. (2007). “Intercultural Communication in the Global Village: How to Understand ‘‘The Other”,. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. 36 (3), 223-235
1Klak, T. & Martin, P. (2003). “Do University-sponsored International Cultural Events Help Students to Appreciate “Difference”?. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 27 (4), 445-465
Leilani, E., Bock, T. & Narveaz, D. (2003). “Moral Reasoning, Intercultural Development and Multicultural Experiences: Relations and Cognitive Underpinning”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 27, 403-419
Matsi, S. (2005). “Globalization and Heterogenization:Cultural and Civilizational Clustering in Telecommunicative Space (1989–1999)”. International Communication Association.
Paige, M. (et. al) (2003). “Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity: an Empirical Analysis of the Hammer and Bennett Intercultural Development Inventory”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 27, 467-486
Redmond, V. & Bunyi, M. (1993). “The Relationship of Intercultural Communication Competence with Stress and the Handling of Stress as Reported by International Students”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 17 (2), 235-254
Teal, R. & Street, L. (2007). “Critical Elements of Culturally Competent Communication in the Medical Encounter: A Review and Model”. Social Science & Medicine. 68 (3), 129-141
Westrick, J. & Yuen, Y. (2007). “The Intercultural Sensitivity of Secondary Teachers in Hong Kong: a Comparative Study with Implications for Professional Development”. Intercultural Education. 18 (2), 129-141
Yon, K. (2008). “Intercultural Personhood: Globalization and a Way of Being”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 32 (4), 359-368