
The Assistant Professor of Sociology, Tarbiat Modarres University


As a fascinating issue for the scholars in Religion Studies, religious experience has a long-lasting theological and social background in Christianity and Occidental history which has caused to the present increasing attention to the matter. However, as other concepts ad categories, its development in Iran has experienced a distorted process of just Academic and theoretical debates and not to experience it practically. Avoiding evaluating the term from Islamic theological point of view, while introducing some of its theological or historical and social backgrounds in the west, I attempt to make theologists and philosophers of religion, in addition to the religious psychologists and sociologists pay more attention to the necessity of caution and focus on the nature and status of religious Experience in Religion Studies, and its relation with religiosity.


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1Hill, P. & Ralph, W. (eds.) (1999). ) Measure of Religiosity, Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press.. Hood, R. “Religious Orientation and the Report of Religious Experience”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 9, 285-291
James, W. (1982). The Varieties of Religious Experience, U.S.A: Penguin Book.. 1King, M. & Richard, H. (1972). “Measuring the Religious Variable: Replication”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 11, 240-251 Maslow, A. (1970). Motivation and Personality, New York: Carper & Row.. Otto, R. (1958). The Idea of the Holly, London: Oxford University Press.. Schachter, S. “The Interaction of Cognitive and Physiological Determinations of Emotional State”,. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 1, 49-80 Stark, R. & Charles, G. (1970). American Piety: The Nature of Religious Commitment, California: University of California Press.. Wilber, K. (1983). Sociable God: A Brief Introduction to a Transcendental Sociology, New York: New Press.. Yamane, D. “Narrative and Religious Experience”. Sociology of Religion. 61 (2), 89-171