
1 Assistant Professor of Communications, Imam Sadeq University

2 M.A. Student of Islamic Theology, Imam Sadeq University


Increasing presence of Islam all over the world is an undeniable truth, and not only Muslims, but also other people endorse this truth. In the USA, like other countries, a Muslim minority has appeared which is in interaction, or even in confrontation, with the hegemonic majority. Among the intercultural communication’s theorists, Mark Orbe and Regina Spellers study this interaction or confrontation in their theory of co-culture. Thus, applying phenomenology and theory of “the silent group” and theory of “point of view”, one can study Muslim agents’ behavior as a co-cultural group confronting the hegemonic group which is hierarchically in the high level of identity. In such a condition, American Muslims have applied a special communication strategy, both in relation with each other and with the dominant structure. This may occurred either as complete conformity with the dominant condition, or as insulation, or as cambium interaction; all depending on the historical experiments and deep interactions.


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Hall, S. (1980). “Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse”,. Culture, Media, Language, London: Macmillan.. Husserl, E. (1964). The Idea of Phenomenology, the Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.. Kramarae, C. (1981). Women and Men Speaking, Rowley, MA: Newbury House.. Lurner, L. & West, R. (2003). Introducing Communication Theorys, Boston: McGraw-Hill College.. Mathewson, D. (1995). The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islam World (226-300), Oxford: Oxford University Press.. Nasr , V. (1995). The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islam World, Edited by John L .Esposit , New York : Oxford University Press.. Nyang, S. (1995). The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islam World, Edited by John L .Esposit, New York: Oxford University Press.. Orbe, M. (1998a). Constructing Co-cultural Theory, An Explication of Culture, Power and Communication, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.. _____ (1998b). “From the Standpoint (s) of Traditionally Muted Groups: Explicating a Co-cultural Communication Theoretical Model”,. Communication Theory. 8, 26-1
_____ (1998c). An “outsider within Perspective to Organizational Communication: Explicating the Communicative Practices of Co-cultural Group Members”,. Management Communication Quarterly. 12 (2), 279-230
_____ (1999). “Negotiating Multiple Identities in and around Organizational Margins: A Case Study in Co-cultural Theory”,. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association: Chicago, November.. Parker, P. (2003). “Learning leadership Communication, Resistance, and African American Women's Executive Leadership Development”,. Electronic Journal of Communication. 13 (4-5) Phillips Gotr, P. “African American Communication, Organizations, and Assimilation: A Co-cultural Perspective”,. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association: Chicago, November.. Smith, D. (1987). The Everyday World as Problematic: A Eminist Sociology of Knowledge, Boston: Northeastern University Press.. Spellers, R. (2000). Cornrows in Corporate America: Black Female Hair / Body Politics and Socialization Experiences in Dominant Culture Workplace Organizations, Unpublished doctoral dissertation: Arizona State University.. Spellers, R., Sanders, F. & Orbe, M. (2003). “The Business of Black Hair / Body Politics: A Co-cultural Analysis of Black Professional Women's Aesthetic Representations in a Contested Site of Workplace Culture”,. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association: Miami, November.. Yazbeck Haddad, Y. & Smith, J. (1995). The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islam World, (277-284), Oxford: Oxford University Press..