
1 PhD Candidate of Sociology, Allame Tabatabaei` University

2 M.A in Social Research, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University


According to its nature and intent, religious identity is almost the most important part of human identity and plays a determinant role in the process of identity-building in the society. It could be said that enforcement of this identity would guide to the stability of other parts of human identity as a whole, while any disturbance in religious identity would cause crisis in it. This is especially correct in the communities within which religion plays a crucial role in the social structuring. The present study discusses the outputs of an empirical investigation and thus attempts to show the affecting factors on the matter. We have studied 400 junior students in Shiraz’s high school, including girls and boys. Results show that 88 percent of the students have high sense of religious identity, while just 4 percent feel crisis in this field.


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