
1 Department of Humanity and Theatre, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch

2 Department of Theatre, Tarbiyat Modaress University

3 Educational Research Organization of Iran


At present, Armenian are the only tribe or nation who may pour water to each other once per year on 2nd Sunday of August from rising of sun up to its falling and through holding a great ceremony in different squares, streets and beside the rivers. Armenian name this old ceremony as Vardavar and any violation of it may cause horrible results. This article intends to provide an analytical & basic consideration of Vardavar native ceremony in Armenian culture. According to the findings of this research it is obvious that Iranian kindness was the origin of Armenian Vardavar. According to the historical, political and social records of Armenian with Iranian at Middle Asia and Eastern part of the world, it is completely clear that cultural relations of Armenian with Iranian people were more that other countries through the history. In addition, Iranian Mitra has always caused close relations between different cultures of tribes and nations in Iranian plateau, Middle Asia, Near East and a part of Europe. The study method of this research is library, documentary, interview and common observation at 11 great provinces of Armenia through a period of 5 years.


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