Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Cultural Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The system of differentiation and grading of individuals in every society is pervasive and inevitable, and its criteria vary from society to society. Hence, this article seeks to show that when and why do the citizens of Tehran make boundaries in their communications with others? When and how do they cross these borders? What strategies do they use to interact with each other and cross cultural boundaries and what are the consequences of such communication strategies? The findings of this research are based on a qualitative method with Grounded Theory strategy. The sample size included 45 individuals using the theoretical sampling method and in terms of accrediting/validating. Various tools such as interviewing, observing, participating, etc. were used to collect data, but the focus was on the deep interviewing. The findings were coded in a systematic version method (GTM) of the survey theory and the (causative, background, and intervening) conditions, strategies and consequences related to the cultural and mobility boundaries have been extracted and analyzed in the city of Tehran. The obtained nuclear issue includes “Management of cultural boundaries and cultural mobility/traffic in identity-based layers in the form of communication diplomacy”.


Main Subjects

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Tarh-e Pažouheš: Ruykardhā-ye kammi, kayfi va šive-ye Tarkibi [Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches] (H. danaeifard, & A. salehi, Trans.). Tehran, Iran: ketāb-e Mehrbān Našar. (Original work published 2009)