Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 Assistant Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 MA Student in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Social deprivation is a fact that some people are so much more exposed than others. But among them, demographic groups of single girls in rural areas are those who are severely affected by social Deprivation. So this research investigates the social deprivation of Zabol's rural girls and the related factors by a sociological view. Theoretical framework of research is the theories of Giddens, Zebra, Granovetter, and Bloomberg. The used method  is the Servey technique and the data are collected by the research-made and standard questionnaire. 384 people were selected as samples based on the Cochran formula and by multistage cluster sampling proportional with PPS size. To measure reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. Social deprivation is examined by six dimensions of deprivation including deprivation of marriage, social communication, social participation, education, leisure time and mentality. The greatest deprivation was observed in the area of ​​marriage deprivation and the least deprivation in the area of ​​leisure deprivation. Findings of the research indicated that there is a meaningful relationship between variables of parents, traditional attitude, gender discrimination, available social and economic resources, Education, Income and social deprivation. Among these variables, rural fatalism variable and parents' traditional attitude variable plays the most significant role in clarifying the social deprivation. The results of the regression analysis indicated that the independent variables introduced in the regression model could predicate 36 percent of the dependent variable variance.


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