Document Type : Scientific Research Manuscript


1 M.A of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

3 . Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran


This paper is to explore the mechanism of social production of Nowbahar Park in Kermanshah city. The theoretical approach is based on Henry Lefebvre's opinions on production of space. The study method is ethnography and in addition data collection techniques: observation, interviews, examination of documents and cognitive maps. The research findings are as follows:  1) Nowbahar Park was built in the late 1960s on the broad settlement processes; 2) The way people are exposed to this public space is influenced by intrinsic meanings, and each age group uses its own terms. Teenagers and young people in the reproduction of stigmatized meanings and the old people play a role in production of meanings. The permanent presence of Teenagers and young has increased their naming power; 3) Activists of daily life over time have been described by different meanings. These meanings are dual and at the same time, good/bad, relaxing/threatening. But, negative meanings are more prominent and so as to be known as a stigmatized place in the mental space of the city.


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